Saturday 8 February to
Saturday 15 March 2025
10.00 AM TO 13.00 PM
Coming Soon!
Generate business ideas and refine your list to choose the best one you can develop.
Understand the market and how you can add value to customers.
Test your business idea and understand your competitors.
Build your team and/or network and how to acquire customers.
Develop a profitable business model with realistic financial projections.
Develop a powerful pitch deck to secure investment.
Contact us to join the waiting list today!
FREE Youth Group Resource
Complete the contact form for more information.
20th September 2024
Generate business ideas and refine your list to choose the best one you can develop.
Understand the market and how you can add value to customers.
Test your business idea and understand your competitors.
Build your team and/or network and how to acquire customers.
Develop a profitable business model with realistic financial projections.
Develop a powerful pitch deck to secure investment.